This is the first post in a series about energy efficiency and energy analysis. The image is of a THERM analysis of the insulation performance of clerestory windows and associated wall and roof assemblies. If you look closely, you'll see that we need to find a thermally broken window frame! This tool (used in concert with other whole building energy analysis software) allows us to examine complex material intersections, corners, etc., and test and evaluate different details to find the highest performing assembly.

From the THERM website: "THERM is a state-of-the-art computer program developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).... Using THERM, you can model two-dimensional heat-transfer effects in building components such as windows, walls, foundations, roofs, and doors; appliances; and other products where thermal bridges are of concern. THERM's heat-transfer analysis allows you to evaluate a product’s energy efficiency and local temperature patterns, which may relate directly to problems with condensation, moisture damage, and structural integrity."